Friday, January 31, 2014

A milestone: my first published novel!

Perhaps only other writers will understand...the feeling of finally achieving a milestone...a novel in print. Today I received a box of books from Annie's Publishing--my copies of Deadly Garland, the final installment in the Creative Woman Series. It's a Christmas mystery set in the small town of Apple Grove, Oregon, with a murder at the local tree farm. The pen name is in honor of my mother-in-law, Beverly Blair, who passed away in November 2013.

The desire to write was rather latent for quite a few years although I enjoyed reading and wanted to be an editor. I started my writing career in business communications and journalism. Then the creative side of my brain kicked in and I've been working on fiction ever since.

Success came easily with business writing--not quite so quickly with fiction. But it's pure pleasure (when it doesn't hurt) and I urge you all--keep going. The world needs your voice. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Romance, movies, magic...#TeamMagicPens teasers & links for #PitchWars

This year I had the pleasure of mentoring devouring three luscious manuscripts by the talented and lovely:

Heidi Timmons, Wishing Glass, a sweet magical realism romance that draws from A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life. Actress Brielle must choose the life and love right for her. Heidi is an attorney.

#PitchWars entry

Emma Sloley, The Wanters, a gorgeously written woman's fiction featuring a down-and-out filmmaker. Emma has edited and written for many magazines, including Harper's Bazaar, Australia.

#PitchWars entry

Densie Webb, You'll Be Thinking of Me, a romantic suspense featuring a hot movie star and musician who falls in love with a "normal" girl. Yum. Densie has written seven nonfiction books.

#PitchWars entry

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cupcakes for Breakfast

I'm busier than ever in several capacities to do with fiction. And loving every minute of it.

I just finished writing my second cozy for Annie's Quilted Mysteries. Next up, a round of edits before submission.

With that deadline soon to be met, I am now working on the book of my heart, my 1929 YA. I'm rewriting it as a romance called Last Summer in Eden.

I read all my #PitchWars submissions and returned notes. They will present their pitches and excerpts during the agent round January 22-24. These books are GOOD! Look for:

Heidi Timmons, Wishing Glass, a sweet magical realism romance that draws from A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life. Heidi is an attorney.

Emma Sloley, The Wanters, a gorgeously written woman's fiction featuring a down-and-out filmmaker. Emma has edited and written for many magazines, including Harper's Bazaar, Australia.

Densie Webb, You'll Be Thinking of Me, a romantic suspense featuring a hot movie star and musician who falls in love with a "normal" girl. Yum. Densie has written seven nonfiction books.

Heidi pointed out something--all three of my picks have something to do with film. Her main character is an actress. This was not a conscious factor in deciding, swear.

For Entangled, I'm doing first-pass edits on submissions and also reviewing a couple of referrals I made. What fun to find books and have the ability to perhaps get them published.

Doing this work--writing, critiquing, and editing--is like have cupcakes for breakfast!