Photo courtesy of Cafe D'Arte
One of the best things about writing in the Internet age (besides electronic submissions, research, and e-books) is the online writer's community. In the dark ages of purely paper communication, writers often labored alone, parsing form rejection letters for hints how to improve. Or the answer to the big question: do I suck? Some may have had access to in-person groups but if you lived in a remote, rural area--forget about it.
Pre-pubished or pro, you can find comfort (chocolate) and inspiration (coffee) to keep you fueled for an often long, bumpy, and arduous road. Below are links to posts and people I find especially inspiring.
When you wonder if you'll ever make it to publication: Suspense Your Disbelief
Best-selling author Jenny Milchman not only shares her long journey to publication, she hosts 300 tales from other writers about their own hard-won made-it moments.
If you're getting contradictory query responses (love premise, can't relate to voice and vice versa), you're not alone. And you're close. E.M. Castellan has an excellent post on this quandary.
Sometimes we work and work, forgetting that inspiration can't be forced. Bethany Smith discusses allowing your writer's intuition to guide you. After all, it's your creativity and imagination that gave you the impetus to write in the first place, right? And it's the source of your unique voice.
Conversely, sometimes our writing needs a creative jump start. Or you have the main character or setting but what about the PLOT? Laura Salters has written about connecting the plot dots in a way unique to you.
I hope you enjoy today's serving of chocolate and coffee!
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